A good shower before bed?

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Note: 5.7 / 10

5210 vues


It's time for the shower this beautiful chick rolled well. She can no longer feel his clothes on his skin. Look at her undress as a stripper in swaying, gently removing her bra to reveal her mouthwatering tits. Once in soapy water, they become shiny and waiting to be tasted. Itself is excited by the hot water flowing over her body. His fingers slide into its slot and discovered a hole juicy in which she would like a tail. But before, no way not to enjoy the power of the shower ... Holding the handle, it runs hot water directly on her clitoris and exerts a slight pressure that is almost enjoy. Her boyfriend heard moaning in the next room and begs her to join him. He too is ready to visit this cave dark and dripping. Inspired by his antics in the shower, she throws herself on his tail and around his lips moist. He then slides his dick in her oiled slit and tasted perfect happiness, as we ...

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